All hail the first beer sold after prohibition.

For 13 years (1920-1933), it was illegal to brew, sell, and consume alcohol in the United States. The West End Brewing Company was one of the few breweries in the US to survive prohibition finding ways to keep operating.

UC Pilsner Prohibition

During that period, our brewery stayed in business by producing a malt tonic and a non-alcoholic near beer, as well as a number of soft drinks under the Utica Club name. That incidentally was the first time the Utica Club brand name was ever used.

December 5th, 1933, will forever be marked as the day prohibition was repealed. West End Brewing Co. was the first brewery in the country to have a license, and the first to legally sell beer.

There was a big parade that started at the brewery and ended at the Hotel Utica where people enjoyed pints of the first legal beer to be poured in the country, Utica Club.

Upon repeal of prohibition Francis Xavier Matt sent out a letter to distributors stating, “You may have your trucks here at our premises, midnight, December 5th, and you can receive all the beer you desire at 12:05 A.M. December 6th.

The pilsener was so popular that after Prohibition the Utica Club name was used to introduce a line of beers, which became famous throughout New York and the surrounding states.

More than 85 years later, Utica Club is still going strong, Cheers!